BitBoy Crypto reportedly threatened FTX class action lawyers

Class action lawyers argue that Ben Armstrong, who stands behind BitBoy Crypto YouTube, often threatened them because they were suing them for advertising the fallen FTX cryptocurrency exchange.

After being identified as a defendant in a class action lawsuit, Ben Armstrong began harassing the attorneys representing the plaintiffs, according to court documents.

Lawyers for the class action filed papers with a Florida district court on March 20. They alleged alleging that after the suit was filed on March 15, Armstrong “began harassing” the lawyers with “endless phone calls, tweets, and emails” and “insulting and threatening posts on Twitter, YouTube, and other social media.”

It is claimed that Armstrong and other so-called FTX influencers supported the crypto platform without reporting payments, which is why the plaintiffs are seeking $1 billion.

Armstrong, it was alleged in the petition, would make “up to 21 calls within a 45-minute period,” and his voicemails would be “laden of vulgarities” that “particularly” targeted the attorneys.

The petition also claimed that Armstrong threatened one of the attorneys representing the class action, Adam Moskowitz, via voicemail. According to the document, Armstrong told Moskowitz he would have protestors surrounding his home 24/7, day and night. Moreover, BitBoy Crypto allegedly sent another message to Moskowitz, warning him that “these individuals are dangerous” and that doing business with them may get “you and your family shot.”

An email between Armstrong and Moskowitz is also included in the lawsuit. Armstrong is said to have uttered a couple of insults before claiming that he “never even advertised FTX” and warning Moskowitz to “expect a counter-suit, b***h.”

Another message, the attorneys say, informed them that the lawyers’ home addresses were being published on Reddit.

The filing also referred to a video that Armstrong recently uploaded to YouTube. It warned the attorneys and others who purchased the action that Armstrong would come after them “with full force.”

Bitboy fires back

However, Bitboy denied ever making a single call to them but tweeted about them and contacted them multiple times. Bitboy, who made several bets on the Ripple/SEC lawsuit and the markets, threatened to revoke Adam Moskowitz’s law license.

The lawsuit claims that this is “not the first time” Armstrong has produced “dangerous controversy,” citing his previous defamation action against YouTuber Erling Mengshoel Jr., or “Atozy,” which was ultimately abandoned.

As a result of Mengshoel’s November 2021 video, in which he claimed that Armstrong was fraudulently advertising assets to his audience for personal gain, Armstrong filed an action against Mengshoel in August 2022.

In a live stream a few weeks later, Armstrong said he was dismissing the case and declaring “Atozy has triumphed” after Mengshoel raised over $200,000 in less than 24 hours to pay for his defense.

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